Best M-Wave products in the Brake accessories category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best M-Wave products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. M-Wave Ada DB IS1
Adapater to convert Shimano Vr disc brake postmount 160 mm, to IS 160 mm, AM packaging.
2. M-Wave ADA DB CL
Centerlock adapter >ADA DB CL< for 6-hole brake discs such as (360643,360600,360606,360641), on M-WAVE card.
3. M-Wave Bleedbox
Maintenance kit for disc brakes >Bleedbox<, M-WAVE, consisting of 2 x syringe 25 ml each, M5 adapter & M6 adapter, 4 x O-rings each for DOT4 oil & O-rings for mineral oil, 1 x line cutter, 1 x brake pad spreader, EK
4. M-Wave Ada DB IS4
Adapater to convertShimano HR disc brake postmount 160 mm to IS 180 mm, AM packaging.
5. M-Wave Brake Doc Box
M-WAVE maintenance kit for hydraulic disc brakes
6. M-Wave Ada DB IS3
Adapater to convert Shimano VR disc brake postmount 160 mm to IS 203 mm, AM packaging.
7. M-Wave Ada DB IS2
Adapater to convert Shimano Vr disc brake postmount 160 mm to IS 180 mm/ SHIMANO HR disc brake postmount 160 mm, to IS 160 mm, AM packaging.
8. M-Wave Ada DB PM2
Adapater to convert Shimano VR disc brake postmount 160 mm to 203 mm front postmount, AM-packing
9. M-Wave Ada DB PM1
Adapater to convert Shimano VR disc brake postmount 160 mm / SHIMANO HR disc brake postmount 160 mm, to VR 180 mm postmount / HR 180 mm postmount, AM packaging.