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Epson EB-FH06 (Full HD, 3500 lm, 1.22 - 1.47:1)
671,82 EUR

Epson EB-FH06

Full HD, 3500 lm, 1.22 - 1.47:1

Question about EB-FH06 - 402719


3 years ago

Does the projector in the garden (covered seating area) give a good picture in daylight?


3 years ago

Helpful answer

Hello Gisa

So in full sunshine the image will look washed out. Projectors should always be used in a slightly darkened environment if possible. You can counteract this with more lumens but even then the image is not optimal if the ambient light is too strong. Things look better at dusk or in the evening. The model you have chosen has 3500 lumens and is a standard projector. [Acer X1228H DLP projector

(XGA, 4500lm, 32dB)]( this model would have another 1000 lumens more, but for me personally the image would probably be too washed out even with this product.
