Light switches + Plug sockets

Light switches + Plug sockets

Discover a selection of light switches and plug sockets that seamlessly integrate into various spaces, serving the functional need of electricity control and connectivity.Customers can find innovative accessories ranging from classic light switch models to modern, smart-home-compatible plug sockets. Ensuring a blend of style and practicality, our collection features the latest solutions for your lighting and power needs. From the simple elegance of Steffen's Feller universal rotary dimmer to the sleek sophistication of Zigfred's uno complete set, and Dingz's WLAN switch set to Feller's EDIZIOdue Smart Light Control for Philips Hue, there is something for every interior design and technological requirement. The SwitchBot Bot rounds off our offer, providing a clever retrofitting solution for turning traditional switches into smart devices.

When choosing the perfect light switch or plug socket, consider the type—whether you prefer a classic switch or a socket, the mounting style, which typically comes in flush-mounted options, offering a clean look and compatibility with your wall surface, and the smart home ecosystem you are committed to or planning to adopt, such as Philips Hue. Additionally, for those embracing automation and remote control, seeking out 'Smart Home Compatible' products will be key. Explore our top brands such as Steffen, Zigfred, Dingz, Feller, and SwitchBot to find high-quality, reliable products. You can filter our catalog using these properties to pinpoint the ideal accessory that not only matches your functional needs but also compliments your home's aesthetics and technical ecosystem. Whether upgrading to a smart home or seeking a simple switch replacement, our product range caters to all preferences and budgets, promising the ideal solution for your home or office.